Careers and Employability

Employer engagements and partnerships

Into University Programme of events to raise the aspirations of Pupil Premium students. Includes visits to universities and career focused sessions. Years 9 – 13
Nottingham Trent University Supporting the work of the Careers Lead through the Careers Leader Training Programme
Futures Futures careers advisors offer 1:1 interviews for priority 1 Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students.
Luminate Luminate careers advisors offer 1:1 interviews for Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students.
Careers and Enterprise Company Claire Knee (Enterprise Advisor) works with a range of NES staff to provide further employer engagement.
NMCN Engineering enrichment, curriculum support for construction and AOW speakers.
The HE+ Programme This programme operates in conjunction with Cambridge University and other local Sixth Form Providers within the Nottingham Consortium. It aims to encourage high achieving year 12 students to submit applications to top universities.
Summer Schools (Sutton Trust & Social Mobility Foundation) University Summer School Programmes & Taster Days are promoted through AOWs and students are encouraged to apply.
Oxbridge & Medicine Preparation Programme Oxbridge applicants are encouraged to apply for specialised preparation programmes and information evenings. Students are provided with personalised application support and interview preparation.
Young Professionals and Talk the Talk ‘Talk the Talk’ equips students with the skills to become ‘confident communicators’ and ‘Young Professionals’ prepares them for employment through workshops facilitated by Experian, Roythornes Solicitors and BDO.

Contact Us

The Nottingham Emmanuel School
Gresham Park Road
West Bridgford
Tel: 0115 977 5380

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