
Homework Assignments

Homework at NES refers to any work or activities which students are asked to do outside lesson time, either on their own or with parents and carers. It is an important part of our school curriculum and the learning process. Active engagement with home learning is closely linked with student success and achievement as well as enjoyment of the subject.

There is no expectation that all staff will set a piece of homework every week and all homework will be set on Go4Schools from September 2022 to enable students and parents to access easily from home.  Both of these measures are a direct result of feedback from parents and students. We want to make sure that all homework set is meaningful and fits in with the needs of the curriculum.

All homework set for all students will be recorded on Go4Schools (https://www.go4schools.com/). Homework tasks will be listed in the order in which they are due and details will be given as to exactly what the student is expected to do so as to support students in organising their time and meeting deadlines. Parents and carers can access the same information by registering with Go4Schools using the email address registered with the school.

Please contact Mrs Kate Simpson (ksi@emmanuel.nottingham.sch.uk) if you have any questions or issues regarding Go4Schools.

Homework at NES fits into 5 categories, these are:


This homework is set to prepare students so that they come to lesson with pre-knowledge and they can build on this knowledge quicker. This type of activity could incorporate learning key words, reading a text, labelling a diagram, watching a video or a whole host of other activities that will activate the pupil’s knowledge before the lesson.


This homework allows students to retrieve learning from previous weeks, months or years so that this supports students with building stronger learning and recall of key knowledge. Students may complete online quizzes on TEAMS (as per our practice prior to September 2022) that allow retrieval practice of key subject knowledge and feedback that links into lessons in order to move learning forward. However, a variety of retrieval activities will be set.


This homework allows students to consolidate learning from a lesson that they have just done, enhancing the learning from the lesson.


This homework is set to give students structured activities to revise materials ready for an assessment.  Students may be directed to online revision websites such as GCSEPod.


As students move into Year 9 and onwards they may be given coursework as homework. It should be noted that some coursework is completed as controlled assessment and can only be completed in lesson.

After school Monday to Friday from 3:00-4:00pm we have homework clubs. There is a Year 7 and Year 8 room in C27 where students can access IT and adult support.  The library is also available at the same times for students in Y9-Y11 to use computers and printers. Students can just pop in to print a sheet if they do not have a printer at home.

Year 12 and 13 have their own dedicated computer room and additional laptops in the Sixth Form library that they can used during study periods and after school for completing homework and independent study. Sixth Form students also have access to Academic Mentors who can provide specialist support in helping students with study skills, organisation and managing workload. The Sixth Form team have a dedicated after school homework space on a Wednesday from 3:00-4:00pm for students who are struggling to complete homework and need additional support or structure to complete their homework in a timely fashion.

Homework guidance will be communicated with all students through their subject teachers. The homework for all students will be put onto Go4Schools.  Every homework task should always give students at least one week to complete.  The date and expectations of completion will be made clear to students in the lesson so that they know when to hand the work in, what they need to do and how to hand it in.

If a student does not hand homework in on time, this will be logged on Go4Schools.  They will then be asked to complete the homework at a lunchtime subject detention.   If the student attends the lunchtime detention with the homework completed, then they will not be required to stay, as it is the completion of the learning that is crucial.

Although unlikely, if the student fails to attend subject detention where there is support to complete the homework, parents will be informed by telephone and the student will receive a follow up lunchtime Year leader detention.  If they fail to attend this, they will receive a half-hour detention after school.  If a student repeatedly reaches this point then the Year Leader will speak with parents to ensure that the student attends homework club/the library after school as we want to make sure that they build effective habits to learn independently.

We believe that very few of our students will require these sanctions given the strong homework support and provision in school.

Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9

Homework for core subjects (English, Maths, Science and Religious Studies will be set every week).  Other subject areas will set homework on a flexible basis in line with the needs of the curriculum. Homework in these other subjects will not necessarily be set every week and will be up to a maximum of 30 minutes in any given week.

Year 7, 8 and 9 have knowledge organisers for all subjects please see the following link: Knowledge Organisers – The Nottingham Emmanuel School

These knowledge organisers clearly detail the knowledge and key words that students need to understand to access the learning for the half term.

Year 10 and Year 11

Subject areas will set homework appropriate to the learning needs of the students in their class. This will be up to a maximum of 45-60 minutes per week per subject. During the three-year programme, the homework will vary depending upon the structure of the course and coursework deadlines.

Year 12 and Year 13

Students typically study 3 subjects in both Year 12 and 13 and will be set up to 5 hours per subject per week. This is completed at home and in timetabled study periods. Students who excel in Year 12 and 13 are those who utilise their time in independent study periods to complete their homework and prepare for future lessons. The homework will vary depending upon the structure of the course and coursework deadlines, but students will be expected to work independently and homework will be a crucial vehicle for teachers to prepare their class for upcoming lesson and assess exam skills.

Contact Us

The Nottingham Emmanuel School
Gresham Park Road
West Bridgford
E-mail: admin@emmanuel.nottingham.sch.uk
Tel: 0115 977 5380

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The Nottingham Emmanuel School