Just Schoolwear Extended Summer Shop Opening Times
Uniform can be purchased directly from Just School Wear. The only service currently available for purchasing uniform is online at Just School Wear
Just Schoolwear stores are only open for Collections and Returns, and will not hold any uniform stock. A uniform fitting service is provided in store if you are unsure of which size to order.
Store locations and opening times: https://just-schoolwear.co.uk/our-stores/
If you have any questions regarding uniform, please contact Just Schoolwear at info@just-schoolwear.co.uk.
Just Schoolwear have introduced a wallet saving scheme which enables parents to spread the cost & budget for their child’s uniform purchases over the year. Click here for more information
Purchasing Of Uniform
In order to ensure consistency of uniform across the school we would be grateful for your support in purchasing uniform items directly from Just Schoolwear.
Identification of Uniform- All items of clothing, including PE kit, should be clearly marked with the students’ full names, preferably by nametape. In the event of a student losing an item, if this is named, we can easily return the item to them. Any unnamed lost property is retained at Student Services until the end of the half term before being donated to charity. Students should check regularly with Student Services if they have lost an item.
Please ensure your son/daughter has the correct uniform every day. Students’ uniform is checked daily by their Tutors and Year Leaders and sanctions will be implemented for students who persistently wear incorrect uniform.
Items that are not permitted
Students may wear 1 pair of small studded earrings within the lower ear lobe and 1 clear flat nose stud. No other jewellery is allowed. Inexpensive watches are acceptable but watches, such as the Apple Watch etc., which can carry data and allow communication are not permitted under any circumstance to fall in line with our policy on electronic devices at the Nottingham Emmanuel school; Students may wear a small lapel pin representing their faith, such as a cross or a fish for example. Any other jewellery worn by students will be confiscated and returned to parents who may come into school to collect it at a time convenient to the staff. Alternatively students can collect their property at the end of the last day of each half term. In order to comply with our policy, if a student wishes to have their ears pierced this must be done at the beginning of the long summer holiday so that the wound has sufficient time to heal and earrings do not need to be worn in school. Plasters may NOT be worn to protect earrings or any other piercing.
Hair, Make-up and Nail Polish
Hair styles should not be excessively long, multi-coloured (dip dyed) or of non natural colour ie bright red, pink, blue etc. Hair styles should be formal and sensible without lines, shaved sections, patterns or wedges. Hair accessories should be plain black or purple (no bandanas, large head bands, coloured accessories allowed).
No make -up, body piercings, nail polish, false/acrylic nails, fashion badges/bracelets are allowed.
Items of any value should not be brought to school. The school cannot take responsibility for the loss of any personal possession in school; parents are advised to insure such items on their home insurance. If mobile phones are brought to school they must be switched off and placed inside the students bag. If a student’s mobile phone is seen, heard or used during the school day it will be confiscated and returned only in person to a parent who can come into school to collect it, at a time of convenience to the staff member. Alternatively students can collect their property at the end of the day on the last day of each half term.
Money must be kept on the person at all times and not left in coat pockets or bags. If a large sum of money has to be brought into school for any reason then it must be handed over for safe keeping at the Student Services Reception. If a student loses an article the class teacher must be informed immediately so that swift action can be taken and help given to resolve the problem. Articles are more likely to be recovered quickly if they are clearly named. Any articles found must be handed into the Student Services Reception immediately. Students handing in valuables during a PE lesson do so at their own risk because the school cannot accept responsibility for returning valuables to each student independently at the end of every lesson. The school will not accept liability for any student property brought into school.
Compulsory Equipment
All students are required to purchase the following equipment, which must ALL be clearly marked with the student’s name:
· Pens (blue or black for writing), HB pencils, coloured pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, ruler, protractor and a pair of compasses
· Pocket dictionary (English and Spanish/French)
· Scientific calculator
· Headphones
All students should carry a practical school bag (pouches are not permitted) containing the above equipment as well as their subject books to every lesson. Bags should be big enough to carry several A4 size books.
The Nottingham Emmanuel School has clear and strict guidelines on dress code, we pride ourselves on high standards and all students are expected to wear the school uniform detailed below.