Christian Distinctiveness

Collective Worship Statement of Practice

Students have the opportunity to reflect at the start of their day in a variety of different ways; with their whole year group in a year group act of worship, as a tutor group or with their House. In acts of worship, we explore contemporary themes from the world around us and link them to our lives, community and at school. This enables students to challenge their own thinking and to help them to consider how they have an impact those around them. These themes and moments of reflection also link to our fortnightly chaplaincy reflection activities during tutor time, when students with their tutors discuss these ideas further with additional activities.


Each year group has two year group communion services through the academic year with our local vicar. Students are offered different ways to engage within this service, as we recognise the different faiths and worldviews represented at Emmanuel.  Students may choose to take communion, to light a candle, to remain seated and listen to the communion worship band or receive prayer. As well as communion, students have other opportunities to take part in collective worship, such as playing in the communion band run by Mr Walker, praying in services or being a part/performing in larger whole school end of term services.

Contact Us

The Nottingham Emmanuel School
Gresham Park Road
West Bridgford
Tel: 0115 977 5380

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The Nottingham Emmanuel School