Prospective Parents


The Nottingham Emmanuel School is a highly successful, over-subscribed, Church of England Academy. At Emmanuel, we have more than 1100 students in our academy in Year 7 through to Year 13. We are over-subscribed in every year group.

If you have been unsuccessful in your application to The Nottingham Emmanuel School, please refer to the appropriate section below. Information on appealing will differ depending on whether you are appealing for a Year 7 admission or an in-year admission (during the current academic year). Please ensure you read the section relevant to your individual circumstances.

Year 7 September 2024 Intake Appeals

Appeals need to be submitted in writing directly to the school. An appeal can be in the form of an email, letter or completed ‘NES Appeals Form’. Details in the appeal must include; child’s name, date of birth, gender, full address as well as parent/carers name, relationship to child, contact number and email address. Please see below details for sending your appeal.


Post: F.A.O Independent Appeals Panel Clerk, c/o The Nottingham Emmanuel School, Gresham Park Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YF

The deadline for submitting appeals for Year 7 September 2024 intake is Friday 29th March 2024.

In-Year Appeals

Following submission of an In-Year application to The Nottingham Emmanuel School, where the applicant has subsequently been notified in writing that it has not been possible to offer the child a place. They then have the right to appeal this decision, to an independent appeal panel. The arrangements for appeals will be in line with the School Admission Appeals Code published by the Department for Education. The determination of the appeal panel will be made in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code and is binding on all parties.

Any appeals need to be submitted in writing directly to the academy. An In-Year appeal can be in the form of an email, letter or completed ‘NES In-Year Appeal Form’ available under the documents and forms section to the right. Details in the appeal must include; child’s name, date of birth, gender, full address as well as parent/carers name, relationship to child, contact number and email address. Please see below details for sending your completed appeal.


Post: F.A.O Independent Appeals Panel Clerk, c/o The Nottingham Emmanuel School, Gresham Park Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YF

Appeals Guidance & FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Where is not possible for an appeal to be sent through email, paper copies of the Appeal forms can be posted on request, please email or call 0115 977 5380 to request a form, informing the school of which form you require along with your address and contact details.

If you have any questions about the appeals process, how to submit an appeal or who to contact, you may find both of the NES Appeals Guidance documents helpful which can be found in the Documents and Forms section to the right under the relevant section.

Contact Us

The Nottingham Emmanuel School
Gresham Park Road
West Bridgford
Tel: 0115 977 5380

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The Nottingham Emmanuel School