At Emmanuel we are keen to ensure that all students receive the best possible education. We work hard to accommodate the needs of all individuals, and plan carefully to incorporate necessary adjustments and interventions, so that every student can reach their full potential.
SEN may be related to learning and cognition; speech, language and communication; social, emotional and mental health; or physical and sensory conditions. In all cases, the specific needs of students are identified in collaboration with staff, parents and specialist agencies, and the appropriate provision is then planned, implemented and reviewed. This tailored provision can come in many forms, including in-class support, daily organisational and emotional support, therapeutic and academic interventions, and practical adaptations.
We have two core facilities to reach the varied needs of our students; Learning Support and Student Support. Learning Support is managed directly by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), Mari Paskin, who is responsible for the leadership and management for SEND provision across the school. Student Support is led by Julian Bennett (Student Support Manager) with regular input from our SENCO. Both of these facilities are staffed with specialist teams to create individual programmes of support for our students.
The local offer for Nottingham City can be found below:
Partnerships with external agencies to help us meet the needs of students with SEND
We meet the needs of an incredibly diverse group of students, and this demands support from a diverse range of agencies. We pride ourselves on excellent working relationships with specialists across many areas of expertise, and are constantly engaging with these agencies to improve our practice, and develop provision for students.
Currently, we work with the following agencies. This list is not exhaustive and evolves constantly, in response to the needs of our students:
- ASD Team
- CEPS- City Educational Psychology Service
- CAMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Sensory Team
- Learning and Cognition Team
- SHARP- Self-Harm Awareness Resource Project
- Time 4 Me
- Community Paediatricians
- Empower Education
- Nottingham City Police
- Physiotherapists
- Oakfield P.D. Team
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Behaviour Support Team
- Virtual Schools
Having Your Say
Working in partnership with parents and students is fundamental to how we develop effective provision for students with SEND. We use a variety of means to consult with parents and students, and use their in-depth understanding to impact our practice:
- Y6 Transition meetings with parents: We invite all parents to meet with a member of staff to discuss the needs of their child. This takes place following the Y6 admission process, after places have been confirmed.
- Keyworking: Some SEND students will be offered support of a keyworking pod. This is a small community of students led by staff who require short term guidance to take full advantage of all that NES offers. The aim of this is for students to grow their independence, confidence and wisdom which enables them to flourish.
Parents will be contacted by the relevant keyworker once the student has been identified by information gathered from a range of sources which includes: previous school, Pastoral teams and other agencies.
As well as supporting teachers in lessons, the learning support team will offer and deliver a number of bespoke group sessions to develop and embed skills and strategies that build independence. The creation of strong foundations enable success.
Strategies keyworkers implement may include
- Meet and greets
- In class support
- Personalised resources
- Development of Passport for success
- By invitation only (B.I.O) base during unstructured times
- Assisting subject faculties with differentiation.
The involvement of key working will be reviewed after the first term and next steps will be shared with parents/carers and staff.
Whilst a student is in a key working pod, parents/carers will be contacted within the first 4 weeks of each half term and at appropriate times thereafter.
Meet and greets In class support
- Where a child is identified as needing support that is additional to, and different from, that of a typical student, they are allocated a ‘Keyworker’. This is a member of staff from within the Learning Support or Student Support Teams, who will liaise directly with the child and parents on a weekly/daily basis. This line of communication is fundamental to ensuring that we respond quickly to the needs of students with SEND, and directly include parents in this process.
- Annual EHCP reviews: Where a student holds an EHCP, we hold annual reviews to ensure that provision is appropriate and accurately documented. We aim to include all involved agencies in these reviews, and particularly prioritise parental participation and feedback.
- Direct SENDCO and Pastoral liaison with parents: Any parent who has a concern that a student may have an unidentified SEND, or feels that provision is inadequate, is encouraged to liaise directly with the school SENDCO, Mari Paskin (, or respective Year Leaders.
- Parent ASD Forum: We hold annual forums for the parents of our students with ASD. We value this as an opportunity to hear form those who best understand the students, and use parent feedback from these meetings to directly impact our work.
- Student Passports: Formally referred to as Student Profiles, we create Student Passports as a key source of information for any member of staff working with a student with SEND. Passports are formulated with information from a broad range of sources, including the parents. We ask parents to review our Passports each term to ensure the contents is relevant and accurate.
Useful Links
Ask Lion- – Holding information on Nottingham LA’s ‘Local Offer’, including services, activities and support for those with SEND
Notts Help – This holds Information on Nottinghamshire’s LA ‘Local Offer’, including services, activities and support for those with SEND
Ask Us Notts (formerly Parent Partnership)- – Offering guidance and impartial information, advice and support
National Association of SEN:
Department for Education: