Nottingham Emmanuel School is proud to be a School of Sanctuary. We are an inclusive school and value every member of our school community. Our school vision is based on Philippians 4:13 ‘I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ We believe that it is our Christian mission to remove any barriers to learning, ensuring that all students experience academic success; but also ensuring students grow and develop both personally and socially. Our school’s rich diversity is something that we are proud of and celebrate. 58 different languages are spoken by our students, and we ensure that we celebrate different religious and cultural events throughout the year. We welcome and support students from all backgrounds, including asylum seekers and refugees and we educate all our students about the importance of creating and being part of a school (and a society) that is safe and inclusive for all.
What is a School of Sanctuary?
Schools of Sanctuary is an initiative to celebrate the good practice of schools who foster a culture of welcome and inclusion for all, especially asylum seeking and refugee families. Schools of Sanctuary offers a way to further educate the whole school community about the human right to sanctuary and engage with sanctuary seekers and families in their local communities. The aim is to create a safe environment that includes everybody in a school, regardless of people’s background, ethnicity, faith or gender. Schools that are committed to welcome and inclusion can apply for an award from the City of Sanctuary movement.
Who are City of Sanctuary?
City of Sanctuary UK’s mission is to support the network of groups and Streams of Sanctuary and to contribute towards building a sanctuary movement. In practical terms, they work to build a culture of welcome, hospitality and inclusiveness right across every sphere and sector of society, so that wherever people seeking sanctuary go they will feel safe, find people who welcome them and understand why they are here, and have opportunities to be included in all activities.