
Form Time

Year 7 -10 students have a Literacy form period once each week. During this time, students follow a Reading for Progress and Reading for Pleasure curriculum which helps them to understand the importance of reading as well as exploring specific strategies to support their reading in all subjects and beyond.

Students reflect upon their reading habits and preferences, learn and practise active reading strategies, experience Reciprocal Reading and talk about how reading can support them in their learning and life beyond the curriculum.

This knowledge and understanding of reading can be transferred to their subjects and is built on in their lessons. This means that students can access subject content and comprehend questions, sources, articles and books across the curriculum.

Supporting form times at home:

Encourage your child to be punctual for their form periods and to engage in the learning.

Ask your child what they studied each time and challenge them to apply it in a particular subject or for a particular text.

Contact Us

The Nottingham Emmanuel School
Gresham Park Road
West Bridgford
E-mail: admin@emmanuel.nottingham.sch.uk
Tel: 0115 977 5380

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The Nottingham Emmanuel School