Hi there, and greetings from all of the team over here in sunny Ghana. We have been informed that the UK has also been soaking up the sun, probably in a desperate attempt to make the most of it… whilst it lasts! Our fifteen hour journey out was not plain-sailing, to say the least. To accompany our two hour flight delay, were a few incidents of travel sickness, luggage woes, and a few rounds of an overly competitive cards tournament. Recovery was aided the following morning by a breakfast of tea, toast and omelette, and I am happy to report that we have all arrived safe and sound and excited to soak up the sun and experience the rich Ghanaian culture.
We are out here on a mission however, and one in which cannot be interrupted by any desire to lounge around and sunbathe all day. So far, our efforts have been rewarded with the smiles of the flourishing school community in which we have entered, not just as students, but as companions too. The sense of friendship and unity we have already developed throughout our first week here has been beyond our expectations, and it is such a uniquely rewarding experience to serve and support a society which is not as economically privileged as ours back home. However, this community certainly does not lack in enthusiasm and passion for life and learning. The children are so excited to be a part of this journey with us, and their willingness to get involved in this year’s project has been incredible. Our school’s previous partnership with Dutch Komenda is so evident and nothing is more enriching than observing other children reap the rewards of our efforts, as we live out our values alongside the students and staff here.
So I guess you’re all wondering what jobs we are actually doing out here this year? To build upon the work of our previous Partner Ghana trips, so far this week we have been involved in constructing an area for the children to play outdoor sports, such as volleyball, and have also supported them with their computing and I.T skills. It has been fantastic to see the laptops we provided for school last year are getting good use, as the children learn valuable skills to help them reach their full potential. But this trip isn’t all about what Emmanuel students can give to the Dutch Komenda students; it’s a two way process and we’ve all learnt so much from the students and staff here about the importance of community, passion and living out your faith, this trip truly is a partnership and one which will stay with us forever. However, now it’s time to stop typing, we’ve got a mural to paint!