School closure – important information
The Nottingham Emmanuel School is now closed to all students and staff, with the school community working from home for the duration of the closure. Please bear in mind government guidance to stay at home where possible. However, children who are vulnerable, along with children whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response, can use Archway Learning Trust’s provision at Bluecoat Primary Academy if no other childcare arrangements can be made, and ONLY where they have been approved in advance for a place. All other students should be working at home.
Where to find help and assistance – some common queries
Positive wellbeing
As we all adapt to new routines and working patterns, it is important for us to look after our mental health as well as our academic studies. Please find resources available on the ‘working from home’ tab to support positive wellbeing and sign-posting to additional agencies/websites which can offer support.
Click here to go to the Positive wellbeing page
Working from home
Information and support for students during the closure period can be found on the ‘Working From Home’ tab on the school website. Students in Years 7 to 11 who were in school on Friday 20 March were issued with a folder, exercise book and pen at the end of the school day. Staff are mindful of the burden of printing at home when setting work. We would suggest that printing is kept to a minimum, with as much work as possible completed in the exercise book or on paper and worksheets viewed on the screen.
Homework queries
Please contact your subject teacher directly by e-mail if you have any questions or queries about any of the work set. Contact details for all staff are available on the school website here
Keeping in touch
Year Leaders will keep in frequent contact with students in their year groups, both to check that everything is going well, and also to ensure we maintain close communication links and offer a network of support to our students and their families throughout the closure period.
How to get IT help
A dedicated IT support e-mail address for students has been set up: Via this e-mail address, the IT team can offer technical support with school system such as school e-mails, Google Classrooms, Remote Desktop etc. Unfortunately IT can only offer limited support for any issues encountered with personal devices or software.
My child is in Year 11, 12 or 13. How and when will their final grades be awarded?
Examination regulators Ofqual will develop a process to provide a calculated grade to each student for each subject. The intention is for students to receive these grades before the end of July. Exam boards will be asking teachers, who know their students well, to submit their judgement about the grade they believe the student would have received if exams had gone ahead – their ‘likely grade’. To produce this judgment, teachers will take into account a range of evidence including performance in mock exams and non-exam assessment. This process is routinely undertaken by staff, who use a wealth of data to generate accurate likely grades. Exam boards will then combine teacher projections with other relevant data, including prior attainment (how students performed in KS2/KS4), and use this information to produce a final grade for each student.
Free school meals/vouchers
Food hampers were distributed to relevant families last week where possible. Vouchers have also been sent by post to all families to cover the period up to Sunday 19 April. This will have been sent to the primary contact address on the school system. A letter sent with the vouchers gives further information about this process and arrangements going forwards.
The government has announced that no overseas trips should be taken at this time. Any planned overseas trips are therefore currently on hold until further instructions are issued by the government. Should it be necessary to cancel a trip completely, refunds will be issued at that point.
Work experience/work shadowing
A letter to all Year 10 students undertaking work experience has been sent separately. Sixth Form work shadowing has been postponed until a later date.
Sadly, our Year 11 Prom has had to be cancelled, and refunds are currently being processed. The Sixth Form leavers’ prom will be rearranged to take place later in the year.